Lavish Granito Pvt Ltd
Survey No. 127/1 At-Unchi Mandal, Morbi - INDIA,
Ta: Talaviya Sanala (Halvad Road),
Dist: Morbi (12,1) - https://www.lavishceramics.com/
- [email protected]
- 99250*****
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Nazwa produktu | Rozmiar |
Całe ciało zeszklone płytki | 600x600mm (24x24 cale) |
PGVT i GVT | 600x1200mm (24x48 cali) |
PGVT i GVT | 800x800mm (32x32 cale) |
PGVT i GVT | 600x600mm (24x24 cale) |
PGVT i GVT | 800x1600mm (32x64 cale) |
Drewniane deski | 200 x 1200 mm (08 x 48 cali) |
Drewniane deski | 300x1200mm (12x48 cali) |
Całe ciało zeszklone płytki | 600x1200mm (24x48 cali) |
PGVT i GVT | 200 x 1200 mm (08 x 48 cali) |
PGVT i GVT | 800x1200mm (32x48 cali) |
PGVT i GVT | 300x600mm (12x24 cale) |
PGVT i GVT | 1000x1000mm (40x40 cali) |
PGVT i GVT | 1200 x 1200 mm (48 x 48 cali) (4 x 4 stopy) |
PGVT i GVT | 1200 x 1800 mm (48 x 72 cale) (4 x 6 stóp) |
Managing Director
Marketing Director
Export Director
Export Director
Marketing Director
Survey No. 127/1
At-Unchi Mandal,
Morbi - INDIA,
Ta: Talaviya Sanala (Halvad Road),
Dist: Morbi (Morbi,Gujarat)
+ Requirements