Pierwszy światowy rynek ceramicznych i sanitarnych na żywo. Tileswale Playstore Zdobądź to w Google Play    Tileswale App Store Zdobądź to w App Store


Table Top Art Besin


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Opis katalogu

Ideal for both home & commercial use. Sleek And Elegant: European inspired modern contemporary style design, Specification:- Material:- Ceramic,Product Features :- Premium Quality Ceramic Construction: delicate and solid ceramic with crystalline glaze. Durable and Smooth Ceramic: Easy to maintain and clean. Sleek and Elegant Design, Smooth Lines, Curved Corners, Safer for Use. Easy to Clean. High Temperature Integral Molding, Seamless, No Leakage, Longer Life, Note:- Wash with water and shampoo only,Package Included:- Basin Only

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